
Too Hot to Handle. Too Cold to Hold. (go ahead, rap it on out)

“I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold.

I wish that you were one or the other!

But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold,

I will spit you out of my mouth!”

Revelation 3:15-16


When it comes to choosing words, I can be a bit, how shall I say… Zealous

  • If my kids don’t stop “Hulk Smashing” my new sofa, I will never let them into the family room again.
  • These leather leggings are going to transform my entire wardrobe.
  • I could eat this cheesecake every single day for the rest of life (for breakfast lunch and dinner).

This is my approach to basically everything.  I’m an emotion-driven, all-in kind of girl.  It’s great.  Except when it’s not.  Because sometimes hyperbola isn’t helpful.  And sometimes my enthusiasm is an unbecoming roadblock to the heart of my sincerity.

But here’s the deal: God is not like the Heathers of the world.  Scripture isn’t full of His mood swings or polarizing statements for dramatic effect.  When He makes a promise, you can bet on it.  When He warns us, there is no doubt we should listen.  He says what He means… all of the time.

Yet–boy, oh boy–do we treat parts of “The Word” like God is a wee bit zealous, entitling us to the right of sifting out the parts that, surely, He doesn’t actually mean.  Things like, “Thou shall not lie”… He doesn’t legit intend we tell the truth about everything?  He. couldn’t. possibly.

Even on my best Christian days, I admit to assuming there are some shades of gray with God… things He’ll tolerate in me, because he “gets” me.  He undeniably adores my little quirks.

We’re good.

But that’s just a girl cozying up with a soft cuddly lie straight from the nasty grip of the enemy…

Realizing this made a recent “talk” I had with God a bit harder to accept.  As I started seeking direction in this transitional time of my life, the response I knew deep in my spirit was a hard-to-hear truth:  “Heather Lynn, you are luke warm, and I’m telling you that it should scare you.”

Lukewarm, you say?  Eh, maybe.  But this not such a big deal.  I’m ahead of most of the class, right?  (I do have blog after all!)  You’ll cut me some slack.


And, Hell, NO.

Because if so much as my big toe was actually positioned where it’s supposed to be, I’d be too hot to handle.

I don’t remember the last time I put something into my mouth that I hated so much I actually had to spit it out. (Aside from that one meal in France when I ordered Pigeon.  I swear, that bird sounds so much tastier when pronounced in French.)  I’m shocked my Father could ever insinuate feeling that way about me.

But His Word is truth – not drama – which makes this a big flipping problem.

I’ve been half-hearted in my faith lately…  Too tired from painting 12-foot walls (they are actually 10′, but I’m still zealous).  Too focused on “my” priorities to care enough about adjusting my focus towards Him.  I still love Him, of this we’re both sure.  But it’s my response to great His Grace, His provisions, His protection, His commission…. that is shockingly luke-stinking-warm.

And, friends, the lukewarm floor is a crowded place to live.  There are loads of “fabulous” people here.  Pastors, mentors, leaders, missionaries, and a whole lot of instagramers posting quotes superimposed on blurred waterfalls.  Christians.  Like me, most of them would be shocked to hear the truth of their temperature.  But, with just a small measure of reflection, the reality of our heart would bring us to our knees.

Exposure to God, by necessity, creates response.  When we’re plugged in, the Holy Spirit in us is ignited.  We’re sharp.  We’re sensitive.  We’re focused.  Our faith becomes the filter through which we live life.

However, when it flips, and life becomes the filter for your faith, no matter how we might try to dress it up, the eloquently pronounced “Pee/dʒón” is still just Pigeon.  And that meal isn’t very stomach-able to me, regardless of language.

I don’t want to be excess baggage, weighing down the purpose of Christ’s death and complicating the cause that directs people to the foot of the cross.

What about you?  Are you willing to admit that there are days… years… that you lie to yourself, pretending to be a warrior, when you haven’t so much as broken a sweat in too many seasons to count?

So what’s the good news?  Keeping sharp and staying piping hot is a lot easier than the enemy would like you to think.  The formula is written for us again and again:

Worship HimDo you see what we’ve got?  An unshakable kingdom!  And do you see how thankful we must be?  Not only thankful, but brimming with worship, deeply reverent before God.  For God is not an indifferent bystander.  He’s actively cleaning house, torching all that needs to burn, and he won’t quit until it’s all cleansed.  God himself is Fire!  Hebrews 12:28-29 (MSG)

Be Church Planted:  Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.  Romans 10:17 (NIV)

Open your Bible and read with expectation:  I’m single-minded in pursuit of you; don’t let me miss the road signs you’ve posted.  I’ve banked your promises in the vault of my heart so I won’t sin myself bankrupt.  Psalm 119:11 (MSG)

Spend time with other believers:  And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.  Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV)

In contrast, listening to K-Love after leaving the church service you’ve nearly slept through, to meet a fellow Christian for coffee while you pass the time trumping one another’s sob stories… Not what scripture is encouraging in us.  You can’t get steamy hot sitting on a burner that isn’t turned on.  Be purposeful.

Oh, and too be clear, I WAS lukewarm a little bit ago.  NOT the case today.  And the tide changed right about the time I said a little of this out loud:

Hey there, Satan.  In the name of Jesus (because he really really hates it when we throw that at him), I’m not your toy.  My life – my heart – it belongs the King who’s already beaten you.  I love HIM.  I trust HIM.  And HE is the one I serve.  So whatever plans you had to keep me tuned out, distracted, overwhelmed, or lukewarm – I implore you, try not to burn your tongue on the heat of my devotion to the Father.  Because, as you already know, I’m a force to be reckoned with.   (put that in your pipe and smoke it 😉 )  XOXO, heatheryoderwrites

The sun feels good on my face.  Anyone else in?

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  • Family Jakoby November 9, 2015 at 12:34 pm

    Ooh oooh oooh
    Hello beautiful sister in Christ
    Exactky what u contemplated today
    Our family is looking forward to kissing the ground of California all together and soon
    Glory on to the Kingdoms up and coming Bread and Fishes Politicians
    We Honor Life
    We preserve the Sacred
    We rever our King of Kings of Love

    • Heather Yoder November 9, 2015 at 6:13 pm

      Together!!??? In Hansi with you finally? This would be incredible news. Thank you for reading and sharing your comments, love you, friend!!

      • jakoby family November 13, 2015 at 2:45 pm

        We are together in Germany . December we go for Hansi’s green card interview in Frankfurt. We still need prayers as the enemy is still pursuing us quite intensely . All your peoples prayers and words have been of great help. Thank you. We are in Bodenmais for two more weeks and then the remainder of our trip in Erding. Hopefully we will make it back to California for Christmas.
        Praise our Father God that he left us a Bible to dive into in these times. There is no way i could handle the terror that our family has been witness too with knowing the truth of the matter.
        Holding onto Faith and Truth always.

  • Laura Navarro November 9, 2015 at 4:12 pm

    I was so excited when this popped into my inbox today! I was literally thinking of HeatherYoderWrites just this week! I missed you! And I need to remind you of the only meal I could NOT eat was the Ethiopian meal that we shared together in DC YEARS ago! Remember those little plops of meat? We paid lots of money for that meal and then went to Taco Bell for “dinner”! Ha! I remember it like it was yesterday. Love your heart, girl! Another great blog!

    • Heather Yoder November 9, 2015 at 6:12 pm

      Love your heart. That’s just truth. So honored you get excited, as I missed you too! And that Ethiopian meal I literally did spit out… Over and over. And the coconut rum (I’ll leave that topic alone).

  • Kristan Spear November 9, 2015 at 6:00 pm

    YEAH! I was SO encouraged to see “Heather Yoder Writes” in my in box! Thanks for being transparent and sharing. Our church is doing a Revelation series and we just studied the church of Laodicea a few weeks ago.

    • Heather Yoder November 9, 2015 at 6:10 pm

      Kristan, I responded to your post last week, did you get it? I didn’t see it on the website today. (?) Thank you for encouraging my butt to get moving!!! Truly am grateful for you.

  • Erica November 10, 2015 at 10:01 am

    Thank you for words of truth well chosen. I appreciate you!