Genesis 6:7 “… I regret that I have made them.”
There are 7 billion people in the world – give or take a few. I can’t picture that many of anything. I also can’t count the hairs on my own head, forget those of anybody else. I don’t understand how God holds the universe in His hands. And, while my ego-centric-self somehow actually does believe that God sees me — that He truly does know ME — I am being honest when I say I sometimes wonder if that matters in the grand scheme of all that is happening in this world.
If I have a milkshake for breakfast, M&M’s as a snack and cake batter for lunch (that, regrettably, actually did happen today), does God really care? Certainly, this is not the forefront issue on His mind. And what could I do to actually get His attention if I wanted to? Is it even fair to desire it?
I’m certainly not the only one asking these questions.
But lately I’ve found myself thinking about Noah, and not the “2 by 2” version of him we see in kids story books. Nor Hollywood’s big screen depiction that’s gotten so much attention. I’m Just thinking about Noah, the guy before the ark.
Isn’t it telling that just 6 chapters into the whole of the Bible here’s where we are:
“5 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.” Genesis 6
And then God decided to kill everything. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. A drastic measure, due to an irredeemable situation.
BUT. There was one. Just ONE.
So, when you wonder if you are significant, consider this: God spared the end of civilization because of one person’s heart. He saw Noah. In the midst of all that was broken and wrong in the WORLD, He knew him.
The light in one, was enough to change the heart of our Father.
And, let’s not forget, Noah’s light saved his family, as well. They deserved to die with the rest of mankind, but God honored this man that He loved – that loved Him.
And here’s what I’m thinking — If God spared the world because of one person, knowing full well the mess we would continue to make of it in years to come, He will take care of you and me. Because He sees us too. He actually does know the hairs on your head. He hears your prayers. Knows your heart. Sees what we eat, do, & say. His son, Jesus, came for YOU. You better believe that means something.
So live like you matter. Because you’re just fooling yourself if you think that you don’t.
I often think of what you wrote, like how God knows how many hairs are on our head. I’m in awe of how Wonderful our God is! He is awesome! Thanks for what you write every week! It always makes me think! He does know my heart and he does care, I’m certain of that! Thanks, Heather! He gave me you, didn’t he? 🙂 🙂 🙂
Debbie, I believe full heartedly that you consider all the time how wonderful our God is – how amazing it is that he knows our every detail. Personally, I think he rather enjoys knowing the details of YOUR life (and the many lovely hairstyle of your golden hair!!).
Thanks for your sweetness to me!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 <3 <3 <3
LOVE LOVE LOVE this. and you, of course 🙂
That is a good thing, since I happen to feel the same way about you. You’re the cool friend everybody wants to have.