
Overhauls Look Different On Everyone.

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

2 Corinthians 5:10


I have the perfect Escada mini skirt.  It’s gorgeous and white and covered in sparkly crystals.  It’s still on its fancy Escada hanger, and it is one of my favorite things in my closet…  Because that’s where it sits.  Where it’s always sat. It’s now 2 sizes wrong and was always inappropriately too short for my extra long inseam.

To be fair, I bought it in an outlet – in the back section where only one size of anything was left.  The original price tag was, well, more than most people in the US pay in rent (two months running).  And I got it for an absolute “steal”.

This isn’t just a skirt, after all, it’s a lifestyle.  I pictured a dress-downed version with a crisp white tank, cowboy boots and night out on the town.  Problem is, the last time I visited a dance club was 9 (+) years ago.  I don’t own cowboy boots (tragic) and my only wife beater is the one I wear to bed.  Still, with all the things I’ve purged in my little closet (and I’m truly a purger – ask my friends), that piece has remained.  It’s like artwork in my private collection.  I see it and smile, because I own a hot Escada skirt.

What the?

A skirt (currently floating somewhere on the Atlantic with the rest of my America-bound home) is what God is talking to me about right now.  This and a-whole-flipping-lot more.

The book “7 – An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess” was the springboard. (see last week’s post: Stand Back. I Feel Like Throwing Something.…because I, in fact, did throw.)  Its author, Jen Hatmaker, kicked the rose colored glasses off my face when she smack-downed my view back into focus.  It was as enjoyable as it sounds.  For a few days I lay, steam rolled, under a deep pile of conviction:

  • Clothes
  • Spending
  • Waste
  • Food
  • Possessions
  • Media
  • Stress

Her concept: 7 topics, 7 months, 7 best friends, and 7 unique approaches to formulate a new perspective of living & living for Christ.  It’s a process many people since have gone through while following the endearing and hilarious Hatmaker example.  I love it!!

But I’m not doing it.

So, those of you who are familiar with “7” and thought this week I was going pose this challenge to you also, well, you’re off the hook.  (cue ticking finger: uh, uh, uh….not so fast)

She writes:

“The average human gets around 25,000 days on this earth, and most of us in the United States will get a few more.  That’s it.  This life is a breath.  Heaven is coming fast, and we live in that thin space where faith and obedience have relevance.  We have this one life to offer; there is no second chance, no plan B for the good news.  We get one shot at living to expand the kingdom, fighting for justice.  We’ll stand before Jesus once, and none of our luxuries will accompany us.  We’ll have one moment to say, ‘This is how I lived.'”

Well, Jesus, I lived with an Escada skirt in my closet.  Oh, I did all this other fab stuff, but that gleaming skirt, you and I both know (wink), that was a special addition.  It made me so perfectly and uniquely ME.

Throat clear.

Look, there is a lot of stuff that makes me – ME.  (And makes you – YOU)  But this ridiculous skirt is a classic representation of all the smoke and lights I’ve masterfully employed to accidentally confuse my shining heart for Christ.  Like:

  • I give lots of money away > I don’t wear a watch because I’m waiting for a Rolex.

There you have it.

When I sat down a week ago, finally relaxing into my much needed vacation moment, I was, unknowingly, primed and ready for an overhaul.  It’s not what I expected to find here, but it does seem like a rare and timely collected opportunity to re-evaluate:  My home, my marriage, my kids, my ministry, my my my… Oh my word.  We’re gonna be here a while.


This is precisely where the enemy saw an opportunity to really screw with me:  EVERYTHING about you is wrong.  EVERYTHING you have is bad.  EVERYTHING you’re working towards is selfish.

Ain’t so.

I’m not done with “7” yet, but I’ve already gone through the seven(ty) stages of “ohmyfreakinggodwhatnow”.

Balance, people.  And by balance I absolutely mean “More of you, Jesus, and less of me.”  That’s what I obsessively desire.  Picture a teeter totter that sits completely and beautifully (Christ) balanced, while my toes are swinging way up high under the weight of my Father’s gaze, far down, just opposite.

But you know what that still includes?  Me.  Just less of those two little letters.  Because He knows me.  He enjoys me. He has plans that are unique to me.  I figure if I can manage a whole glass of Jesus with a squeeze of Heather, well, that sounds like the perfect cocktail to get the job done.  And I will get it done.  Throwing books, buying a watch that doesn’t require a Black Card, and settling into this new life with a heart that is teachable, moldable, useable.  I’ll start right where I’m sitting.

And, here’s the deal, I’m not tisk-tisking the greater message of the where it hurts variety of reform, as proposed by the book’s challenge.   This is not the easy way out – not by a 1.6 Kilometers (or a mile for you crazy Americans).

I am making some real (full on) CHANGES.


The Father and I had a great conversation this week and He mentioned a little idea to me that He’s had for a while.  Now that I’m in a place I can hear it, we hatched the plan…

This Villa in Spain (from where I now type) has been our home for many weeks a year.  But Steve and I have decided to begin tithing out vacations (that’s a “holiday” for you Europeans).  Since there are 52 weeks in a year, we’re going to start with 6, as 5.2 felt a little awkward.

So, if you or someone you love needs a refuge, we’d like to provide it.  This isn’t limited to people who are “poor”, but it is limited to the people Jesus says are on “the list”.  And if any of you would be interested in helping people with the cost to get here, we are very open to additional “Vacation Tithe” team members!

Contact me (Friend request me on Facebook at Heather Menges Yoder and private message me, for instance) if you feel like the Father’s nudging you to be included in His scheme to truly OUT BLESS some folk!  And please don’t be ashamed to nominate yourself (your spouse / your kids / your people).  I promise to seek the Lord in prayer with each step we take.

Anyway, I have this skirt.  And I’m going to deal with it when I get my household back in my possession.  I doubt that’s the only thing I’ll be reevaluating.  Also doubt that’s the only thing I’ll tell you about, but, as always, we have to start somewhere.

So tell me, what’s overhaul gonna look like on you?  There’s this bag, right?   There’s always a bag…

A short clip on the aforementioned Villa (youtube can be a Jesus tool too, you know):

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  • lauren May 4, 2015 at 1:28 pm

    My twin butterfly! Thank you for another raw relatable read. Monday morning coffee tastes better when reading what heather yoder writes. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And I can’t wait to see you soon xo

  • Rachel May 4, 2015 at 3:20 pm

    I love you and your honesty and your wisdom! And why wouldn’t change look different on each of us, since every person was created uniquely? 🙂

    what I’ve been told to do (this wasn’t my option. I voted for something else. God clearly won the argument): the prayer portion of 7, in my own style. I’ll be documenting it. It cuts into my biggest luxury (sleep!), which also happens to be my biggest excuse (“I’m too tired to….”).

  • Candace Silvey May 4, 2015 at 5:23 pm

    This is so beautiful. I tend to obsess over ideas and think the results have to be drastic. My husband is constantly reminding me to be balanced and reasonable. Thank you for this perspective. And I pray your generosity is contageous! What a beautiful idea to tithe your home. God has been working on several things in my life, including giving up something to gain more time for prayer. I so believe in prayer but my life doesnt necessarily reflect that.

  • sharlacrm May 9, 2015 at 3:55 pm

    Great sharing Heather! This is what “overhaul” looks like on me: Spiritually – Completing my 2nd Edition Workbook from Cleansing Stream this year & Re-reading and journalling in “Bait of Satan” book; Physically – Exercise through walking daily 3-4pm both at the park and on top of our hill; Soul (mind, will, emotions) – Embracing how I feel and owning it; expressing my emotions with a dear sister friend and my husband, renewing my mind by joining or starting a “book club”, winning over my will by listening to my alarm at 5:30am and getting up to invest time with our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ; Financially – finally putting that book on paper, chapter by chapter in the next two months and getting it printed (an investment for sure!); Socially – continuing with “Family Survivor Night”, investing in girlfriends weekly with phone call, visit or text purposefully and prayerfully, loving my neighbor as myself (buying groceries to deliver next Tuesday).

    Write the vision, (that she who reads it may RUN with it!) Thanks for allowing me the opportunity on your blog!
    Godspeed on your journey to America! Can’t wait to see you and give you a hug at CCOP!

    • Heather Yoder May 11, 2015 at 9:58 am

      LOVE this list, Charlotte! (and got a little tired just reading it…). Your ambition in the midst of your overhaul is insane. Thank for the inspiration. I’ll step it up a notch!